Present Moments Newsletter May 2014
May 2014 |
Thoughts from Susie Ascott on living your Perfect Life To be removed from the mailing list for this very infrequent newsletter, just drop me an email |
In This Issue Exploring Meditation A practical introductory workshop where we practice breathing techniques and meditation. No prior experience required Dates: Sunday 29th June 2:00pm– 4:00pm Developing a Personal Practice If you would like to practice yoga at home, but can’t quite make it happen, then this is the workshop for you. We consider Why, Why Not, When, What and How to enjoy your home practice. Cost: $45 Exploring Pranayama Pranayama translates as control of prana (life force.) In our western culture we normally refer to pranayama techniques as breathing exercises. In this workshop we take the opportunity to explore and practice some of the basic techniques. Cost: $35 Dates: Sunday31st August 2pm-4pm On-line course – Live the Life You Really Want “I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for helping me achieve something I believed was so far out of reach. I completed your online coaching course last year. As part of that you helped me dream and plan for owning my own home and clearing my financial barriers. Well, I move into my first house in 2 weeks time! It’s a little cottage on a large block where I can grow veggies, have chickens and set aside a space for yoga and meditation. All things you helped me visualise and ultimately make happen” Cost: $150 for 6 week course Dates: Start whenever you are ready |
The whole family is studying! My daughter Nicki is doing a post grad in Exercise Physiology. to add to her degree in Exercise and Health Science and Personal Trainer qualifications. She is off to Cambodia shortly to help support the local community Click here to support Help us get to Cambodia! by UNDA ExPhys My son, Martin, and his wife have returned from Canada and Martin is studying Paramedicine. I have completed another on-line course with Swami Anandakapila: “Sound Mind, Sound Body.” This course explores Mantra and Nada yoga; the effects of sound vibrations on the body/mind/psyche. Now I am studying an online Permaculture Design course with Pretty hard to get me out of the garden these days, unless it is into the kitchen to bottle up produce. Whilst we tend to associate Permaculture with a method of gardening or farming, the principles can be applied to many aspects of life. Principles such as seeing the problem as the solution, aiming to maximise useful output whilst minimising effort and cost (financial, social or environmental) of input. One principle which resonates strongly for me is the concept of working co-operatively and building communities, where every plant (or component or person) has the opportunity to thrive and use its unique skills to contribute to the health and growth of its companions. This fits perfectly with my vision statement on the Present Perfect web site
Even the logo on the front of the Permaculture Design Manual is resonant of the Present Perfect logo and also of traditional images in yoga Facebook Page I am using Facebook to let you know of more “in the moment” information, such as the “sankalpa” (intention or theme) of our yoga class for the coming week, changes to the yoga timetable and upcoming workshops. So, if you would like to keep up to date with events in the Present Perfect world you could choose to “Like” this page. Present Perfect @ Facebook The more I talk with people who are experiencing overwhelm, stress, anxiety or even depression, the more I feel that it is the “little things” that help the most. Allowing the experience of rain dripping through the trees, savouring a good cup of coffee, exchanging a smile with a stranger, talking with a friend (or coach!) and being heard (without the sense that you need to be fixed), watching the moon rising …to last just a little bit longer. If you can stay with positive experiences a few seconds or minutes longer than normal you can soak them up and store them in your brain. If you don’t take a little time with these good moments they wash through your brain without being stored away. And, If we can set aside the time to consciously create some happy, loving, creative, peaceful or “ah ha” moments, even better! When I was a working mum, with a 4 month old baby and an 2 year old, having someone suggest that I take the time to meditate, to have a massage, to relax and take time for myself, drove me nuts!!! So, forgive me if this is your current situation ! (Believe me, this, too, WILL pass!) For the rest of us, making the commitment to a daily practice of sitting and “being,” developing our conscious awareness for even 10 minutes each day, makes a huge difference. To design a permaculture garden it is recommended that one chooses a “sit-spot” and spends time in this sit-spot every day through all the seasons, to begin to get a feel for how nature is operating. Where are the winds coming from? How does the sun and shade move through the land? What animals, birds, and insects are there? What are the different microclimates? In earth based spirituality practices we are similarly encouraged to spend time in our “sit-spot” in nature connecting with the four directions and elements of Earth (North in southern hemisphere, South in Northern Hemisphere) , Air (East), Fire (South in Southern Hemisphere, North in Northern Hemisphere,) and Water (West) To learn to connect with the spirit of the land. In yoga we are encouraged to sit in meditation, to move beyond our everyday mind-chatter and perhaps get a glimpse of something we might call our inner essence. Where is your “Sit Spot?” The first 5 people to tell me about their sit spot will be offered 50% discount on any of the workshops below, To date, all workshops have been held in the Mount Claremont area. I am open to running a workshop in your own home or other venues. Exploring Meditation Cost: $35 Dates: Sunday 29th June 2:00pm– 4:00pm Developing a Personal Practice Cost: $45 Dates: Sunday 27th July 1:00pm-4:00pm Exploring Pranayama Cost: $35 Dates: Sunday31st August 2:00pm-4:00pm On-line course – Live the Life You Really Want Cost: $150 for 6 week course Dates: Start whenever you are ready Concessions available To book or suggest other dates or venues just drop me an email at or call or text me on 0413 822 870
For details of venues and for extra classes or changes please see my web site Thanks for reading!! Smiles, Susie |